Remove footer credit link from blogger template without Redirecting

As every common blogger has a wish that if he/she could remove footer credit link from blogger template without redirecting. Most of us must have tried different methods to do that but some failed or some got half a success. Different theme maker and theme distributor give you the free template but they do not want you to exclude them from giving credit which is reasonable.

What Actually Happens?

Now, when you do anything with the footer your blogger site redirects to the creditor's website. You can not find those code which redirects your site to their site. You will not find those code in blogger HTML editor. Those codes which do that redirection is actually an encrypted javascript code and those codes are simply unreadable.

Again, there is an option to remove footer credit which most us trying. this method is removing those unreadable codes. Yes, you may have got success remove footer credit link from blogger template without redirecting but have you ever noticed after deleting those code your entire template jQuery gets disturbed in other words all jQuery (JavaScripts) get deleted with that encrypted code.

Your Entire theme gets Distort

Your entire template get distort because other jQuery file attached to that encrypted code gets deleted. Now, what is the magic tricks by which you can

remove footer credit link from blogger template without redirecting

remove footer credit link from blogger template without redirecting and without disturbing other jQuery files? In this process, you can decode the unreadable javascript file and you can modify that code in your way and replace the unreadable code with your new modified code.

Follow the steps as described below to remove footer credit link from blogger template without redirecting-

Step 1. Login to your blogger account
Step 2. Go to the theme option on the left side of your blogger account.
Step 3. Click on the edit HTML option beside your HTML code.
Step 4. Click on HTML code and Press Cntl + F key.
Step 5. Type CDATA in the fine text box and keep pressing Enter key until you find the encrypted/ unreadable code present in your HTML file.
Step 6. Copy the entire code in between CDATA.
Step 7. Now open in your browser.
Step 8. Paste the copied code into the textbox.
Step 9. Click the Deobfuscate button 2 - 4 times.
Step 10. Here you can see the original javascript file that is associated with the template.
Step 11. Open your blog site in the browser and right click on the footer credit area and click the inspect.
Step 12. Find the HTML id which is associated with javascript and then got to javascript file find that id and modify as you wish. You hide the visibility or completely modify the javascript.
Step 13. Now copy the entire modified javascript and paste in place of that unreadable code.
Step 14. Save the template and refresh your blog site.

Hoorah!!!! you have done what you wanted.
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Remove footer credit link from blogger template without Redirecting Remove footer credit link from blogger template without Redirecting Reviewed by Sujit Sarkar on September 21, 2018 Rating: 5

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