Top 5 SEO guidelines

Are you struggling to rank your website in google and other search Engine like yahoo, bing etc? Well, the majority will agree that they are struggling to rank their website in search Engine.  Every one of you might have tried so many keywords, different titles etc. In fact, many among you must have tried some sort of SEO tools after watching youtube videos or reading number of articles.

Now, SEO is not as simple as that you are watching on youtube. Watch SEO Guidelines video on youtube but before watching please learn basic about Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Types of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is of basically three types-
1. White hat SEO
2. Grey hat SEO
3. Blackhat SEO

White hat SEO is the most genuine and ethical way of doing SEO for your business website. No doubt white hat SEO takes more time than the remaining two types to rank your website but this type is recommended by all Search Engine.

top 5 seo guidelines

On the other hand, the blackhat SEO is the quickest way to rank your website in the search engine but this is the most unethical way of ranking your website in any search engine. There is more chance to blacklist your site by the search engine for doing unethical things or in other words, violating SEO rules. Lastly, grey hat SEO is simply mixe of both white hat SEO and Blackhat SEO, Well this type is not 100% recommended but one can go with it.

Basic top 5 SEO guidelines to be followed

1. Title of the website must be within 100 characters. Google only crawls first a hundred characters of your website, anything beyond that will be discarded and will not crawl by the crawler. The title must be clear to understand.
For Example:

<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>SEO | Responsive web design | Web development | Mobile application service in Guwahati, Assam</title>

Meta Tag Description

2. Description meta tag should indicate what is being done through the website and what the website content has. The description must be clear and concise. No grammatical error.
For example-

<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>SEO | Responsive web design | Web development | Mobile application service in Guwahati, Assam</title>
<meta name="description" content="Ravi Infotech - IT solutions provide responsive web design, web development, mobile application, SEO services in Guwahati, Assam." >

New Google SEO rule has made description length of 320 characters.

Meta Tag Keyword

3. Keyword meta tag is important. The keywords should be related to your business/website content. Keywords should be chosen which are most frequently typed in the search engine related to your business. These keywords must be used in the Title and description meta tag of your website.
For example-

<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>SEO | Responsive web design | Web development | Mobile application service in Guwahati, Assam</title>
<meta name="description" content="Ravi Infotech - IT solutions provide responsive web design, web development, mobile application, SEO services in Guwahati, Assam." >
<meta name="keywords" content="web, design, Guwahati, Assam, SEO">

Meta Tag Content

4. The content of your website must be high quality and related to the description and title you typed in the head section of your page. Your content must be free of grammatical errors by which search engine crawler can understand the meaning of your webpage content.

5. It is very important for your website to be mobile friendly for better SEO. Device friendly website widely affects the SEO in search ranking. So, if your site is not device friendly do it. You can check mobile friendly check by Google

Also, read the blog by Ravi Infotech
Top 5 SEO guidelines Top 5 SEO guidelines Reviewed by Sujit Sarkar on September 21, 2018 Rating: 5

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